
Bottled Water ECO & HEALTH Concerns

Bottled Water’s Environmental Toll

The cost of wasted resources and damage to our “Blue Marble” is immeasurable with the loss of groundwater, creation of toxic emissions from plastic (production, waste & destruction), and pollution from transporting the bottles. We need to be accountable now, or we will be putting future generations and our planet on life support.

Carbon Footprint of Bottled Water
  • 86% of plastic water bottles used in the United States become garbage or litter
    Source: Earth Policy Institute
  • A bottle that takes just 3 minutes to drink can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade
    Sources: Earth Policy Institute, As You Sow, Container Recycling Institute
  • The energy used each year making the bottles needed to meet the demand for bottled water in the United States is equivalent to more than 17 million barrels of oil. That’s enough to fuel over 1 million cars for a year
    Sources: Earth Policy Institute, As You Sow, Container Recycling Institute
  • Importing 44 million gallons of bottled water to New York area ports from the European Union and Fiji in 2006 created nearly 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide — the amount 790 cars emit in a year
    Source: Cornell University, Chronicle Online, August 22, 2007
  • More than five trillion pieces of plastic are already in the oceans, and by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish, by weight, according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation
  • Most plastic bottles are made of oil-derived (non-renewable resource) polyethylene terephthalate PET, which generates more than 100 times the toxic emissions in the form of nickel, ethylbenzene, ethylene oxide & benzene than the same amount of glass bottles
    Source: National Geographic’s Green Guide- Berkeley Ecology Center’s Task force
  • Bottling water produced more than 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide
    Source: Waste Management World, The Pacific Institute
  • The total amount of energy used to produce, transport, refrigerate, and dispose of a plastic bottle of water may be as high as the equivalent of filling a 1-liter bottle 1/4 full of oil
    Source: Waste Management World, The Pacific Institute
Health on Bottled Water
  • More than 130 studies suggest that Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure at very low doses is linked to a staggering number of health problems, including prostate and breast cancer, obesity, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, brain damage, altered immune system, lowered sperm counts, and early puberty
  • After testing 1000 bottles of water, 33% had bacterial contamination, synthetic organic chemicals including industrial solvents, and inorganic contaminants such as arsenic
    Source: Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Over 70% of 5-gallon plastic bottles in the US contain BPA, which has been proven to release poisonous chemicals into the water
  • A recent study found 11 out of 18 bottled water sampled induced estrogenic effects in a human cancer cell line
    Source: Dr. Axe Food is Medicine
  • In 2013, German researchers published a study showing a single bottle of water contained nearly 25,000 different chemicals
    Source: Dr. Axe Food is Medicine
  • A 2010 report by the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, found that about a fifth of 175 bottled water labels and websites that they analyzed didn’t list the source of the water, 32 percent didn’t list their treatment methods and purity testing and 87 percent didn’t publish testing results from water quality reports.

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