
Are you a “Flintstone” or a “Jetson” with your Laundry?

Why are we still in the stone age with the old fashion laundry washing methods wasting money, time, energy and our environment?  

It’s time to switch to a GREEN LAUNDRY SOLUTION!  “O3” Ozone Laundry has become an effective and efficient way to lower energy consumption and replace many of the toxic chemicals normally used in a traditional washing process.

It all comes out in the wash in this article in Taylor &Francis Online.  The article from industry experts condenses the advantages of O3 use for daily laundry needs.

Since the early 1990s, the use of ozone in many commercial and industrial laundering applications has been evolving rapidly. Ozone allows washing to be conducted using cold water, thereby saving considerable heat energy and water consumption. Additionally, ozone enhances the wash process, resulting in a significant reduction in detergent dosage and number of rinses, thus saving water. Ozone/cold water cycles are gentler to fabrics, thus extending linen life. Finally, ozone/cold water laundering is beneficial for effluents, resulting in reductions in COD (chemical oxygen demand). Microorganisms are destroyed effectively in ozone-wash waters, and washing and drying cycles are shorter, thus saving labor. In this paper, the authors describe some specific case studies at commercial laundering installations in the UK, whereby the users of ozone have reaped major benefits, including enhanced microorganism kills/inactivation and significant cost savings.

Source: Ozone: Science & Engineering  The Journal of the International Ozone Association

Blue Marble Water Solutions’ mission is to improve the quality of life, for both our commercial and residential, clients with second-to-none, healthier, cleaner, and money saving water technologies. Blue Marble Water Solutions offers a technology proven to be a healthier, safer and environmentally smarter way to do laundryWith one of nature’s most powerful cleaners working for you, there’s no need for expensive harsh detergents.  No need for hot water, toxic laundry detergent or toxic fabric softener!  Please visit our Oxidize It page or contact us for more information at info@BlueMarbleH2o.com

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